Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Island of the Sleeping Lady (Video)

This video is our account of the first half of our Kosrae Adventure.  Hope you enjoy it!

Video from the tropics,



  1. Brilliant. I really, really enjoyed watching this. I will be in Kosrae in about 4 weeks and I came across your blog during my research. I have enjoyed reading it. I always say we can touch people's lives without ever knowing it. This is a good example of that. It is great that you are documenting your experiences and sharing them as well.

  2. Looks like fun! I (Chris Duckett) was glad to see you rockin' the guitar in class! I was just doin' the same during worship this morning with your bro. He is a good singer and enjoys worshipping! :) Enjoy time with your dad - priceless memories!
